image of bottles of bach flower remedies

Bach Flower Remedies were created br Dr Bach (1896-1936). He had a natural empathy and interest in understanding plants since childhood. He became a doctor/consultant and a bacteriologist where he invented vaccines to treat those injured during wartime.

He also studied homeopathic medicine and dicovered that many of his patients’symptoms and diseases manifested from an emotional origin. He decided to go back to his roots, exploring how plants relate to feelings and spent much time in the countryside capturing the plants essence from the sun.

Over the years he gave up conventional/orthodox practice and devoted his skills to finding 38 plants that could be used to treat people, animals and plants to regain a sense of harmony and bring balance to emotional states. He believed that if we used these essences in our daily lives, illnesses would have little chance of manifesting on a physical level, causing disease.

I work from Dr Bach’s method of having a consulatation, giving you the safe, confidential opportunity to express your feelings with a view to choosing some plant essences, creating a tailored remedy to help you. It is a bit like peeling layers of an onion with the idea being, to connect with each layer as it manifests, eventually getting to the root cause. The remedies have no contra-indications and are safe for anyone to take whether pregnant or on medication. The Bach flower remedies are preserved with a tiny amount of alcohol but on request, can obtain your remedies preserved with glycerin instead, so please ask me.

They have no physical side effects and work on a level that you choose, as and when you feel ready. One bottle lasts 3/4 weeks if taken consistently, as Dr Bach intended. 4 drops on the tongue or in a glass of water, 4 times a day. During this time, you observe and make notes abut your feelings and return to follow up the remedy selection with me.